MongoDB vs PostgreSQL NoSQL DB and relational database

Since there are no tables in MongoDB, there are no foreign keys in MongoDB either; hence no foreign key constraints. However, MongoDB does have a DBRef standard which helps standardize the creation of the references. Moreover, both PostgreSQL and MongoDB support several extensions and plugins like Adminer for database management. PostgreSQL supports extensibility in several ways, including stored functions and procedures. MongoDB is wielded by thousands of organizations worldwide for data storage needs or as their applications’ database service. When starting a new project, one of the things developers can struggle with is choosing a stack.

For example, a primary key constraint ensures that each row in a table has a unique identifier, while a foreign key constraint ensures that a value in one table references a valid value in another table. MongoDB stores data as collections of documents in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON (binary JSON). This allows you to store and retrieve data in a more flexible and scalable way, without having to conform to a rigid data schema. Choosing the right database management system is critical for any business that relies on data-driven decision-making. This article provides a detailed description of the differences between two of the most popular databases in the market, PostgreSQL vs MongoDB.

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MongoDB has the potential for being ACID Compliant whereas PostgreSQL has it built-in. The ACID properties are the fundamental properties of databases so that transactions can be tracked properly. Managed streaming data pipelines, streaming SQL transformations and turnkey connectivity to clouds, databases, and apps.

postgres nosql vs mongodb

It also allows you to create a cloud database in minutes using the Atlas CLI, UI, or an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) resource provider. Postgres 9.3 introduces NoSQL capabilities by storing JSON documents with field constraints, ensuring data integrity and allowing for flexible ico development company data structures when needed. In MongoDB such techniques are usually not required because scalability is built-in through native sharding, enabling a horizontal scale-out approach. After properly sharding a cluster, you can always add more instances and keep scaling out.

Unlocking the Need for Speed: Optimizing JSON Performance for Lightning-Fast Apps and Finding Alternatives to it!

Now, SQL databases can be very efficient if appropriately designed. But with a #NoSQL database, the development time is reduced, and it is easy to query. Since this is my first time working on the real estate domain, I would like to pick a database that would be efficient in the long run.

postgres nosql vs mongodb

As it’s a relational database management system, PostgreSQL can guarantee that transactions follow each property of ACID. MongoDB uses MongoDB Query Language (MQL) which allows you to interact with the document-oriented structure of MongoDB. MQL is rich in features and supports projection, aggregation frameworks, document querying, aggregation pipelines, geospatial queries, and text searches.

My analytical report on MongoDB Vs Postgre

These features also allow it to integrate well into business intelligence tools and work effectively as a data warehouse. MongoDB can store and retrieve unstructured data like images, videos, and texts. It can query and retrieve content rapidly and handle many concurrent read and write operations. This makes it a good choice for high-traffic content management applications.

postgres nosql vs mongodb

Analyze your project and business requirements carefully before choosing a database solution. For data ingestion we used the mongoimport tool to import data into MongoDB database. The total size the dataset occupied in the collection in MongoDB is 116 GB and each record has a size of about 275 bytes. Q7ii adds yet another factor, the geographical area and performs the same functionality as Q7i. Q8i returns the average speed for every vessel passed in the query whereas Q8ii takes into account the geographical area.

When to use MongoDB vs. PostgreSQL

MongoDB is a document database that stores data as key-value pairs in JSON documents. Each document can hold various types of data, including arrays, Booleans, numbers, strings, and nested documents. By using Binary JSON (BSON), MongoDB holds additional data types and processes data efficiently.

  • MongoDB supports a rapid, iterative cycle of development so well because of the way that a document database turns data into code under the control of developers.
  • On the other side, MongoDB is a powerful approach that is very friendly with JSON.
  • Walker Rowe is an American freelancer tech writer and programmer living in Cyprus.
  • I would really appreciate it if you could give some advice on which one to consider and why.
  • PostgreSQL uses an SQL variant, called Postgres SQL, as its query language.
  • Moreover, there has been an improvement in managing read and read/write workloads.

MongoDB does not break documents apart; documents are independent units which makes it easier to distribute them across multiple servers while preserving data locality. Now in the document database world of MongoDB, the structure of the data doesn’t have to be planned up front in the database and it is much easier to change. Developers can decide what’s needed in the application and change it in the database accordingly.

Postgresql vs MongoDB Overview

We also have a lot of relational tables, so the joins we get with SQL are very important to us and hard to replicate with a NoQL solution. Really easy to startup since it doesn’t require you to install any additional software since is self-contained. MySQL could be next, sonce it’s easier to learn at first and has more resources available.

I recommend PostgreSQL as it’s the most powerful out of the 3 databases you mentioned. It supports JSON objects so you can mimic the MongoDB functionality, but I would also argue that SQL is actually quite powerful and in many cases significantly easier to work with than with NoSQL databases. I only trend to pick the MongoDB since it is schemaless avoiding null columns that you not always know when it is used (it depends on the source of the data). The only drawback that I could consider is the query’s complexity in MongoDB, sometimes it is a bit tricky, when compared to the traditional SQL queries.

1 Benchmarks for spatio-temporal database evaluation

Instead, it has the concept of references, which allows a document to reference another document’s _id field. As a document database, MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents. The performance is measured in terms of response time in a 5-node cluster and the results show that PostgreSQL outperforms MongoDB in almost all cases. Also, the average response time is enormously reduced with the use of indexes in the case of MongoDB with a significantly smaller, positive impact in PostgreSQL. Finally, the dataset size in the system db is 4x smaller in PostgreSQL. In these queries yet another factor is added comparing to the previous queries, the geographical area.

Before you load any data into the database, you have to define a structure of how they are laid out in the database using a set of schema objects which include rows, keys, columns, etc. Furthermore, if you’re working with a tabular data model that’s unlikely to change on a regular basis and has no need to scale-out, SQL and relational databases can be a terrific option. Today, MongoDB provides the industry’s leading resiliency, security, performance, and scalability. MongoDB is especially capable of handling data structures that have been created by modern apps and APIs. It’s perfectly positioned to offer support for the agile, ever-changing development cycle seen in organizations today.

Any database engine should work well but I vote for Postgres because of PostGIS extension that may be handy for travel related site. The use case you are describing would benefit from a self-hosted headless CMS like contentful. You can also go for Strapi with a database of your choice but here you would have to host Strapi and the underlying database (if not using SQLite) yourself.